Mia Langley

“Check it out! I’ve got my own uniform now!
Guess that means that we really are classmates! ♥”

Japanesemia rangure (ミア• ラングレー)
GradeFirst Year
Class1-A (no.26)
BirthdayMarch 21
Dominant HandRight
Homeland? ? ?
Club? ? ?
Best Subject? ? ?
Pet PeevesUnsolicited Advice
Favorite FoodMadeleines
Least Favorite FoodOnions
TalentAttention to Detail
Voiced BySaori Hayami

Ramshackle Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @SketchLynn


Ramshackle Dorm’s very own Housewarden (despite whatever Grim may say). She found herself in Twisted Wonderland when she woke up during Night Raven College’s welcome ceremony. She can usually be found along with the trouble duo from Heartslabyul- and spends her free time out and about with her sketchbook.

Twisted From: Cinderella (2014)
Ship With: Ace Trappola
Artful Hearts / MyAce (❤️🎨)


Mia doesn’t recall much of her life before being “adopted” by Miss Whitecastle. She never gave much thought to her birth parents- whenever she did try to think back to them, her memories would blur over a pastry shop and leave her with migraines. When asked about what her life was like before joining NRC however… A bittersweet smile often crawls onto her face and her eyes seem to gain a distant gaze.She alone was in charge of her adoptive family’s breakfast and dinner. On the weekdays she would get home from school before her adoptive sisters did and rush to prepare their dinner for the day, on weekends lunch was also on the list along with her homework. Because of this, Mia often fell behind on her studies only really doing well on exams with material she was able to catch in class. More often than not, she would spend her recess time drawing in her sketchbook. It was the only time she felt as if she could breathe without having to worry of any sudden calls from her adoptive mother and sisters.She would often capture the attention of her classmates, but she would be the one to cut the conversation short, often reminding herself that she wasn’t allowed to befriend anyone that had befriended her adoptive sisters lest they find out that she’d been “stealing” their “friends” from them. What she lacked in friends, she’d make up for in her art. Often choosing to draw faces of people she had seen during her walks to and from school.She lived her life quietly, knowing that she shouldn’t bother those around her. Which is why Night Raven College was like something akin to dream for her. But she still isn’t quite sure why the place felt so awfully familiar… Almost as if she’d been there before, but that isn’t possible, right?


Having no clear understanding of the world she has been thrown into, she chooses to quietly go with the flow. She mostly keeps to herself, only leaning on others when she understands that they genuinely wish for her to be around. As her self-built walls break down, people tend to gravitate towards her genuine wish to help out and make bonds.She’s one to instantly hop to whatever task is entrusted to her, diligently working out different possible solutions before giving in and asking for magical help. She often looks for those details that others tend to overlook, this is why she enjoys keeping a sketchbook with her.If you were to ask people around her, some would describe her as a pushover. Often going out of her way to satisfy everyone.

Commission by @tinyfantasminha

Commission by @Marisashinx

Mia Langley

“A lesson in art? Please, look no further
than Heartslabyul’s own Trump Card! ♦”

Japanesemia rangure (ミア• ラングレー)
GradeFirst Year
Class1-A (no.26)
BirthdayMarch 21
Dominant HandRight
HomelandQueendom of Roses
ClubFilm Research Club
Best SubjectPractical Magic
Pet PeevesUnsolicited Advice
Favorite FoodMadeleines
Least Favorite FoodOnions
TalentAttention to Detail
Voiced BySaori Hayami

Heartslabyul Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @Marisashinx


A First-Year student from Heartslabyul Dorm. She tends to keep to herself, wishing to avoid unnecessary distractions for her studies in NRC.She was “mistakenly” accepted into NRC.She's currently tasked with watching over Grim after finding him sneaking around campus after the Spelldrive Tournament in Book 2.

Twisted From: Fairy Godmother
Ship With: Ace Trappola (❤️🎨)

Unique Magic

[ Dreaming Heart ]

"With all my heart, do I dare to beckon you forth.
I've dreamed for this to come true...
And so I summon my deepest wish."
"Dreaming Heart."

→ Mia's Unique Magic has the power to grant a "wish" for others and herself. This spell does however have drawbacks on the user depending on what the wish is.This spell has three "levels" that it can grant.

→ Mia's Unique Magic has the power to grant a "wish" for others and herself. This spell does however have drawbacks on the user depending on what the wish is.This spell has three "levels" that it can grant.

• minor wish → simple things such as a drink or a new dress, clothing has time limits, foods may vary if the ingredients aren't know by Mia. This tires her easily.• neutral wish → good fortune (simply aligns things so that you can have an easier time achieving your goal, she can't just grant you an A). This tires her and gives her a slight migraine.• major wish → it's been used once. However it's drawbacks were severe and . . . something happened.

Besides her UM, Mia is quite skilled when it comes to the color-changing spell used to paint the roses red for Unbirthday Parties in the dorm. Because of this she's usually in charge of leading the Rose Painting team.

Commission by @Marisashinx

Grace Laurelle

“Don’t worry, do not fear…
For I shall become your sword and your shield."

Japanesegureisu roreru (グレーイス•ローレル)
GradeFirst Year
Class1-A (no.23)
BirthdayApril 23
Dominant HandRight
HomelandLand of Dawning (formerly)
Best SubjectHistory
Pet Peevesn/a
Favorite FoodCheesecake
Least Favorite FoodGuava
Voiced ByMiyuki Sawashiro

Diasomnia Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @Kyara_bimuu


A student without much magic and barely any recollection of her past. She currently resides in Ramshackle after attempting to switch dorm fully from Diasomnia. It is only due to Vicehousewarden Vanrouge's quick thinking that she is able to still be assigned to Diasomnia.She's currently in charge of watching Grim while re-learning to use her own magic.

Twisted From: Excalibur
Ship With: Deuce Spade
♠️⚔️ • Spa/ce


As far as Grace knows, she has no family. Any attempt to think back to any possible relatives leaves her brain feeling as if she's submerged in water.She chalks it up to having woken up inside of a lake.The first thing she does remember seeing is a bright light as she felt herself floating; she reached up towards it and found herself just literally in the middle of a lake. As odd as it was, she simply made her way out, keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings. There was an abandoned cottage that had been reclaimed by nature years ago, maybe it even had been centuries since anyone had resided in it. Other than the cabin, swords of all kinds surrounded the edge of the lake, each one stabbed into the soil with greenery covering them.She recalls forcing her way into the house and stepping on a piece of paper, when she gave it a proper look-over she realized it was an... acceptance letter."You have been choosen to attend the prestigious arcane
academy, Night Raven College."
She heard a horse neigh behind her, and with one final glance around she made her way to the carriage waiting for her.Grace was sorted into Diasomnia but resides in Ramshackle as part of a deal with Vicehousewarden Vanrouge and Headmaster Crowley.


Having been raised in the ways of chivalry. Grace has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. She's one to stay quiet and observe the possible outcomes of a situation before jumping the gun.There can be moments where she doesn't stay quiet and lets herself speak though. These usually happen when there's a threat or something just completely unfair.She's uptight at first, and blunt. Which leads many to believe that she believes herself to be better than others. But she's most probably confused by this modern lingo being used.She winds up relying on Ace and Deuce when it comes to simple terminology like "rizz" and "yeet".

Commission by @durandal_exe

Unique Magic

[ Caliburn]

"Pritee, O Graceful Sword so swift and sure.
Discrown falsehoods and bring forth the veracious word."

→ Grace's unique magic is simple and straight to the point.Any weapon she touches (holds in her hands) can become "The Sword of Truth." It can only be used once per weapon, however.⁂ Similar to Idia's UM, this is generational.

Commission by @tacc0yak1


There is one weapon in all of Twisted Wonderland that can be used more than once.

The Sword of Lanclos

This is a sword from a legendary tale from the early days of the fae v human war in Briar Valley.It is said that a Day Fae known as Lady Thea cursed the lands when she pierced the battlegrounds with it during battle saying that it is only to be removed by the true heir of the Lanclos Family.There certainly is a sword in what used to once be a thriving land, and that sword is the one that was used in battle by the head of the Lanclos family for generations.

Commission by @SkirtSan

Bluebell Alphenrose

“Something something the world is your stage in the
Golden Afternoon"

Japaneseburuberu arufenrosu (ブルーベルー•アルフェニロス)
GradeSecond Year
Class2-C (no.2)
BirthdayJune 14
Dominant HandRight
HomelandQueendom of Roses
ClubFilm Research Club
Best SubjectDefense Magic
Pet Peevesn/a
Favorite FoodDinosaur Nuggets
Least Favorite FoodEscargot
Voiced ByYuma Uchida

Heartslabyul Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @soliotude_twt


A second year from Heartslabyul, he's known for being able to adapt to any script given to him. His stone faced demeanor made him the perfect target for Vil's search when it came to club members.Joining the Film Research Club allowed him to ease out of his self-imposed shell.His twin sister, Embelia studies in RSA.1/3 of Riddle's Roomates from his First Year.

Twisted From: Flower Choir
Ship With: n/a


The son of a famous opera singer turned music composer.
Bluebell was raised in The Queendom of Roses by his mother and her boyfriend. It wasn't until he was six years old and his baby sister (Lily) was born that he noticed hir mother's attention start to diminish. Clothes that were a few sizes too small, lack of toys or means of entertainment; while his new baby sister received everything.
Just a son left, forgotten in the background of a happy family.Instead of running towards her in search of half-assed false comfort, Bluebell sought comfort in music from the radio and television. He learned to stay quiet and hide his true emotions behind the façade of a grateful son, even when she refused to acknowledge him outside of the child support money she received from a father he had never met.When he received his invitation to NRC he excitedly showed her and she merely waved him off. Before he fully moved to Night Raven, his mother sat him down and told him to study and work hard so that he can move out after graduation.This led to him being apathetic while in school, always grinning to hide.Vil was one of the few to notice and take interest.
"Join the Film Research Club, we could use your talent."
When he realizes that he has a younger twin sister that grew up close to their father, he slightly resents her at first. He slowly opens up to her and his father after he showed interest in his hobbies and wished to get to know his son better.

Blythe Kingsley

“Time goes by too fast for us to stay around
chatting idly, hurry up."

Japaneseburaito kingushiri (ブライト•キングシリー)
GradeSecond Year
Class2-F (no.8)
BirthdayFebruary 17
Dominant HandRight
HomelandQueendom of Roses
Best SubjectEnigmics
HobbiesHair Styling
Pet PeevesAbsolute Perfection
Favorite FoodMolten Chocolate Cake
Least Favorite FoodLemon
TalentFast Math Calculations
Voiced ByMaaya Sakamoto

Heartslabyul Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @solarismelody


A second year from Heartslabyul, she's usually in charge of keeping track of time when it comes to preparations for unbirthday parties. She comes from a family of investors, the current sponsors for the Hall of Records in Clock Town.She was raised to be the perfect son that would eventually take over her father's company. Her father would constantly enforce "proper etiquette" that "boys his age" would be following.She discovered her trueself shortly after Riddle's overblot.1/3 of Riddle's Roomates from his First Year.

Twisted From: White Rabbit & Isabela
Ship With: Liam Hatter (oc)


From a young age she was raised to be absolutely "perfect" un every wat. Her parents are investors and expect her to be the perfect son and inherit everything as their only child. Absoolute perfection is the only thing that she strives for. Even when she knows that she can NEVER be the perfect son.Her parents (mainly her father) would enforce "proper gentleman etiquette" and "tough sports" believing that that would help their child bond with other young boys her age. However, Blythe simply never found passion behind any of those things.Blythe wanted to go to RSA, but her father forced her into NRC because it is more business oriented. To please him, she joins the Equestrian Club.Her long hair is her pride and joy, when she begins her transition during her Second Year she dyes the ends a light red.→ It isn't until Riddle's overblot during her Second Year that she sits and thinks about the meaning of "perfection" and "happiness." Seeing the path that Riddle went down lets her realize that perhaps... she should attempt something new to please herself for once. She went to her roommates, Bluebell and Jaki and asked them to help her test the waters with pronouns (she/her).By Winter Break, she's happily using her new pronouns and new name (Blythe), even though she does have to hide potion effects at her home during the break.

Jaki Fratelli

“Something Something, rat boy."

Japanesejaki furateli (ジャキ•フラテリー)
GradeSecond Year
Class2-B (no.4)
BirthdaySeptember 6
Dominant HandRight
HomelandSunset Savanna
Best SubjectHistory
HobbiesCollecting Beads
Pet PeevesCats
Favorite FoodCheese
Least Favorite FoodTuna
Voiced ByShoya Chiba

Heartslabyul Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @iicalicocat


A second year from Heartslabyul, he's the glue for this trio. Jaki's the one that tried to keep the peace in the dorm when Riddle became Housewarden. He often jokes around that before Ace came to NRC, he held the record for most collarings.Jaki is childhood friends with Ruggie and Tora. The three of them grew up in the same area of Sunset Savana, and he shared a room in an orphanage with Tora before he was adopted.1/3 of Riddle's Roomates from his First Year.

Twisted From: Jaq & Eugene
Ship With: n/a

Embelia Rhoswen


Japaneseenberia rosuen (エノベリアー•ロースエノ)
GradeSecond Year
Class2-C (no.22)
BirthdayJuly 14
Dominant HandLeft
HomelandCity of Flowers
Best SubjectDefense Magic
Pet PeevesBeing Interrupted
Favorite FoodFruit Tarts
Least Favorite FoodEscargot
TalentPerfect Pitch
Voiced ByMachico

Heartslabyul Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @soliotude_twt


A second year from Heartslabyul, she's known for being able to stay on top of the school's gossip and get the best photos during events. She was raised by her father in the City of Flowers and found out she had a twin brother during her first year in school.Embelia runs a totally annonymous fan blog for actor Vil Schoenheit, in the fandom she's known for making the best edits.Her twin brother is Bluebell Alphenrose

Twisted From: Flower Choir
Ship With: Charles Rouselle
(Carousel of Flowers) • 🎠🌷

Melina Blossomè


Japanesemerina burosomu ()
GradeFirst Yeah
Class2-C (no. )
BirthdayApril 24
Dominant HandAmbidextreous
ClubPop Music Club
Best SubjectPotions
HobbiesVisual Novels
Pet PeevesPeople
Favorite FoodPhiladelphia Roll
Least Favorite FoodHard Candy
TalentMusic Composition
Voiced ByHinata Sato

Ignihyde Dorm

Commission by @Marisashinx

Commission by @11260110_htshts


A curious first year from the Ignihyde Dorm. She tends to stay away from "The Main Characters" and prefers to watch from the sidelines.She posts music online under the name "Hoshi-B". It seems as if she knows who [Rhiannon] truly is and where she's from.

Twisted From: who knows
Ship With: Cater
♦🕹 • MeliCay